Do You Need a Personal Assistant or an Executive Assistant?

Various types of assistants are available for hire to help you achieve everything you want and need in life. Two of the most commonly hired assistants are the executive assistant and the personal assistant.

But what is the difference between executive and personal assistants, and how do you know which one to search for and hire?

In this article, we explore the personal assistant vs. executive assistant debate and discuss other types of assistants that might be a good fit for your situation.

Main Differences Between Executive Assistants and Personal Assistants

Executive assistants typically work for business professionals, such as CEOs, company presidents, and high-level managers. You’ll often find them working in an office setting, and they must clearly understand a company’s goals and priorities. Executive assistants may participate in business meetings, prepare corporate presentations, take notes for their employers, and arrange work-related travel. This is a common role in the business world and a position that involves handling corporate matters on behalf of someone in an executive position.

Meanwhile, personal assistants are not necessarily affiliated with business professionals or work directly in a corporate setting. The job of a personal assistant is often broader and more varied to address a person’s every evolving need. Athletes, celebrities, and other famous people often hire personal assistants. This job may involve scheduling family vacations, arranging household repairs, running shopping errands, and transporting children to appointments.

How to Choose the Right Assistant

The first question to ask yourself when deciding between a personal assistant and an executive assistant is whether you need more help right now with your work or your personal life.

An executive assistant may be the best choice if you need more help keeping your business organized and flowing smoothly. If you have many diverse personal matters that you cannot keep up with, consider a personal assistant instead.

People who work as executive assistants are more accustomed to separating work and home life, while that line is more blurred with personal assistants. Other factors to consider when making this decision are the work environment you will provide, the responsibilities you will assign, the schedule you need the employee to work, and opportunities for your employee to advance in the career path.

Useful Skills for Assistants to Have

Both of these positions require similar skills, experience, and personality traits. Regardless of the title your assistant goes by, it is beneficial for your employee to possess the following characteristics:

  • Highly organized
  • Tech-savvy
  • Good communicator
  • Takes direction well
  • Able to delegate tasks when necessary
  • Versatile to handle many different tasks
  • Proactive to anticipate an employer’s needs

Other Types of Assistants to Consider

In addition to personal and executive assistants, there are other types of assistants you might also be interested in learning about and hiring for your specific needs. For example, an administrative assistant or secretary can help you maintain records, book appointments, and keep up with correspondence. A virtual assistant is an employee who works remotely and is often a self-employed, independent contractor who can handle tasks from a home office.

At Pavillion, we are here to help you find the ideal assistant for whatever you need in your life. Please contact us to learn more about how we connect various types of assistants with employers to enable you to work with the very best professionals in the industry.

Category: Personal Assistants