[Apartment Living – Upper East Side Life Is Glorious-And Only The Deep-Pocketed Need Apply]
When you enter many Park or Fifth Avenue apartment buildings, a white-gloved doorman opens the door and politely greets you. Finely upholstered sofas and richly paneled walls envelope you as your arrival is announced. Waiting, you inhale the scent of wealth, and might wonder “How much does it cost to live this way?”
Never ask. If you have to, “You shouldn’t be here,” advises Holly Rucki, assistant to Clifford Greenhouse, president of the posh Pavillion Agency which staffs many of these privileged households. Greenhouse and his family have been staffing the uber rich since his father started the business in 1962.
“Whatever your needs are,” Greenhouse boasts, “If you’re looking for the highest quality we have it.”