Tips for How to Build a Successful Nanny-Parent Relationship

When a family brings a new nanny into its home, a lot of attention is focused on the relationship between the nanny and the child. After all, these two will be spending lots of time together, and it’s crucial that they get along well and establish a bond that is respectful, positive, and loving.

However, more attention should be given to the nanny-parent relationship so that parents feel more comfortable leaving children behind and nannies are more satisfied with their jobs. Here are some tips for how to build a great nanny-parent relationship and improve the nanny-parent connection at all stages of a child’s development.

What a Nanny Can Do to Improve the Nanny-Parent Connection

Some new nannies make the mistake of thinking that building up and maintaining the nanny-parent connection is all the responsibility of the employer. However, nannies can take more control over their work situations by making helpful suggestions and coming up with strategies that are in the best interests of the child.

Here are examples of some of the many ways that a nanny can do her part to improve the connection between herself and an employer parent or family:

  • Be a reliable, dependable, and dedicated employee at all times
  • Suggest activities for children to do based upon the nanny’s experience with the child
  • Keep a written log of children’s daily activities and behaviors to report to parents
  • Request to spend time with parents one-on-one (away from kids) to have meaningful conversations
  • Make suggestions to parents about how to get more organized around the house and keep the household running smoothly
  • Pick your battles wisely with regard to minor things, but speak up about big issues
  • Don’t abuse the freedoms you are given by the employer family

What a Family Can Do to Improve the Nanny-Parent Relationship

It is normal and natural for a parent to worry about leaving their children behind with a new nanny at first, but these worries can be eased with a good working relationship between the nanny and parent.

Parents and other adult family members who interact with the nanny can do a lot to help improve this relationship, including the following:

  • Establish written contracts to eliminate confusion and establish ground rules
  • Offer proactive feedback and constructive criticism often
  • Understand that nannies are not mind-readers, so communicate your wants and needs clearly
  • Avoid micromanaging your nanny and trust her to do her job
  • Encourage your nanny to get outside and into the community with your child rather than be in the house all the time
  • Be generous with salary and benefits, such as year-end bonuses, sick days, and vacation time

Making That Initial Nanny-Parent Connection

Although these are all tips for how to improve the parent-nanny connection after a nanny is hired, perhaps the hardest part is finding a great initial fit between a new nanny and a new family. Fortunately, this is what we specialize in at Pavillion Agency, Inc. We are the largest household staffing agency in the U.S., and our extensive experience in this business dates back to 1962.

Please let us help you make that initial nanny-parent connection so you can keep the momentum going to benefit your kids and your entire household. Whether you’re a family looking to hire a nanny or a nanny professional looking to advance your career, contact us to take the next step towards professional fulfillment and service.

Category: Nanny