How to Hire a Private Chef: A Step-by-Step Guide

Tag: Private Chef

How to Hire a Private Chef: A Step-by-Step Guide

There are many reasons to hire a professional to cook for you, such as a desire to eat healthier, a lack of time to prepare meals, or special dietary needs that require extra attention. Once you learn how to hire a private chef, you may be able to manage your time better and free up your schedule for the things you really want and need to do.

Manage Your Time by Having A Private Chef Manage Your Meals

Written by Asma Alahiane & Alisha Perrigoue

Weekdays are wrought with busy scheduling from school drop-offs to business meetings to grocery shopping; it is hard to fit in even a 30 minute workout.  We all have good intentions to be as productive as possible,

Household Staffing For Your Holiday Hustle!

As the holidays quickly approach, so does the hustle and bustle of entertaining (and being entertained). If you require experienced household staffing such as a polished Holiday Butler, a Private Chef for your parties, or a safe ride all season long with a knowledgeable Private Chauffeur, Pavillion Agency can help.