Holly Rucki
Spanning her almost 26 year career, Holly touched thousands of people with a restless determination to help improve their lives, always putting their needs and interests before her own. Whether speaking to a world famous titan of industry about their staffing needs or a new green card holder ready to begin their journey as a productive American, Holly was always filled with grace, respect and care guided by the sincere gratification she enjoyed from helping so many individuals and families. Holly approached her colleagues with the same selfless nature, always there to lend a hand and share her wisdom. She sincerely enjoyed her role in their successes. Many have called Holly a great mentor.
We are all better for having been touched by Holly’s incredibly kind spirit. Holly’s biggest achievement though was the bond she shared with her family, close friends and everyone she loved. Holly was the best daughter, sister, spouse and friend! Her undaunted love and devotion made everyone she touched a better person. Her memory is permanently etched in all of our hearts.
Holly, Rest in Peace ♥